Does Your Child Eat Too Much Junk Food Study Reveals They Could Develop Liver Cancer

Does Your Child Eat Too Much Junk Food Study Reveals They Could Develop Liver Cancer

Nowadays children like to eat junk food. Nowadays, parents are also feeding a lot of junk to their children in order to take short cuts. Eating too much junk can spoil the health of children and increases their risk of many serious diseases. Nowadays, the risk of obesity and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) will increase in school going children. AIG Hospitals recently conducted research on 1,100 children in schools in Hyderabad. In this research it was found that 50 to 60 percent of children had NAFLD.

Due to these reasons children may get liver cancer

This disease was seen even in children as young as eight years old. NAFLD occurs when excessive fat accumulates in the liver. And swelling also starts. Whose worst condition is liver cancer. Recent ‘International Journal of Preventive Medicine’ research has revealed that people eat a lot of junk food like soda, chocolate and noodles. Due to which weight increases and the risk of serious diseases like cancer increases. Eating fast food and drinking cold drinks increases body weight.

According to research by ‘AIG Hospitals’, 30% prevalence of liver disease has been revealed in the general population including children. Putting aside junk food and physically comfortable lifestyle, the study revealed a comparatively low incidence of NAFLD among children in government schools. The AIIMS study revealed that a large number of affected children were overweight, lacked physical activity. Didn’t care much about and academic performance was poor.

Control your child’s eating of junk food. The first step towards dealing with NAFLD is to fully educate yourself about every aspect of this disease and its treatment methods.

NAFLD symptoms

NAFLD often grows silently, and many children with the condition may not experience any noticeable symptoms. However, as the disease progresses.


Unexplained fatigue or weakness.

pain or discomfort

In the upper right abdomen, some individuals may experience mild to moderate discomfort.

weight loss

Some children with NAFLD may experience weight loss.

liver enlargement

The liver may be enlarged and can sometimes be felt under the ribs on the right side.


Jaundice, a yellowing of the skin and eyes, may occur, indicating more serious liver damage.

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