Don’t just ignore the problem of gas… this can also be a serious reason for frequent belching

Don’t just ignore the problem of gas… this can also be a serious reason for frequent belching

Cause Of Burp: There are many reasons for belching. Usually after eating food, when our stomach starts getting full, then belching comes. But belching happens when we are very hungry! Because at this time the body starts using the already stored fat to make energy. But it is not that belching occurs only because of these reasons, there are many other reasons for belching and people who often belch a lot should not be ignored considering it normal. Because this happening continuously can be a symptom of some serious disease growing inside the body…

Causes of belching

  • Signs of fullness after a meal
  • Excessive hunger
  • Gas formation in the stomach 
  • In the process of digestion of food< /li>
  • Due to lactose intolerance
  • Due to irritable bowel syndrome
  • Due to stomach ulcer
  • Due to mouth breathing
  • li>

  • Drinking too much water at once

What to do if you burp too much?

To avoid the problem of belching too much, first of all you have to find out why you are belching so much. Permanent solution is possible only after knowing its reason. But you can adopt some home remedies to get instant relief. Like…

  • Eat 5 to 6 mint leaves with two pinches of salt
  • Drink lemon water mixed with black salt
  • Roast and crush cumin-carom seeds and then mix black salt and drink it hot. Consume half a spoon with water.
  • Stop the consumption of milk until you know the real reason behind gas formation. 
  • People who People have lactose intolerance problem, they should not eat milk, curd, paneer etc. If you do not know whether you have this problem or not, do not consume them at all in case of formation of gas.

What not to do if you have gas problem

  • Do not go to sleep immediately after eating
  • Do not drink water immediately after eating
  • Do not sit at one place for several hours continuously
  • Avoid over eating
  • Don’t eat food too often. Instead, chew thoroughly and eat slowly.
  • Avoid eating too many sweets

Is excessive burping a symptom of a serious illness?

  • It is not always that excessive belching is a symptom of a serious problem. Because all the things mentioned above also cause more belching. But if you do not see any of these reasons, then there is a problem of belching due to irritable bowel syndrome and also if there is a problem of ulcer in the stomach. Symptoms include vomiting, abdominal pain, pain in the lower abdomen during motion, diarrhea, constipation or sometimes constipation and sometimes diarrhea. On the other hand, if there is a stomach ulcer, there may be pain in the upper part of the stomach, nausea, loss of appetite or loss of appetite, pain after some time after eating, etc. are its symptoms. If you notice any of these symptoms, see a doctor.


Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert. 

Read also: Pain in the upper part of the stomach can be a symptom of gastric ulcer, how to identify and treat it


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