Drinking the juice of this sour fruit is nectar in winter, heart will remain young, boosting immunity will keep you away from diseases and infections.

Drinking the juice of this sour fruit is nectar in winter, heart will remain young, boosting immunity will keep you away from diseases and infections.

Amla Health Benefits: Amla is available in abundance in winter. It is called Indian gooseberry. Amla available in winter is no less than a superfood. This is the main source of Vitamin C. The taste of Amla is sour and astringent. Immunity power gets strengthened by its consumption. Amla is widely used in making chutney, pickle, candy, murabba etc. People also eat it raw with salt. Besides, drinking Amla juice also benefits health in many ways. Let us know about the benefits of drinking Amla juice….

Nutrients present in Amla
Amla contains many types of minerals and vitamins. It is rich in Vitamin C, which boosts immunity. With this you can stay safe from many infections and diseases.

Nutrients present in Amla
Amla contains many nutrients, which are essential to keep the body healthy. It contains the highest amount of Vitamin C. It also contains iron, fiber, calcium, carbohydrate, potassium, phosphorus, omega 3, vitamin B complex etc.

Benefits of drinking Amla juice
1. healthline According to a news published in India, drinking Amla juice strengthens the immunity because it is rich in Vitamin C. It is a water-soluble vitamin that acts as an antioxidant. According to a review, Amla contains Vitamin C in very small quantities. One gooseberry contains 600-700 mg of vitamin C. Vitamin C boosts immune cell function. Provides protection to cells from oxidative stress.

2. Amla juice is also good for liver health. It improves liver function. It promotes metabolism. Reduces the risk of fatty liver disease. Amla extract also reduces body weight. Reduces belly fat. Can improve fatty liver disease. If you want to stay safe from liver diseases, then include Amla in your daily diet. Amla juice is rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, which are beneficial for overall health.

3. According to some research, Amla juice also benefits the digestive system in many ways. Amla juice has antidiarrhea properties, which prevent muscle cramps. Besides this, stomach ache and cramps also go away. According to many other studies, Amla extract prevents stomach ulcers. This is probably due to the antioxidant elements present in it.

4. People who want to lose weight can also drink Amla juice. It contains fiber. Being an antioxidant, it boosts body metabolism. Fiber keeps the stomach full for a long time, due to which you do not feel hungry quickly. This way you eat less.

5. Heart related problems increase in winter season. People also have the risk of having a heart attack. Eating raw gooseberry or drinking its juice keeps the bad cholesterol level in the body under control. Drinking this juice increases the good cholesterol level. In such a situation, drink Amla juice in winter and protect yourself from heart disease.

6. Amla juice is very healthy to keep the eyes healthy. Due to abundance of vitamins, eyesight is improved. Reduces the risk of eye disease. People who have blurred or reduced vision should drink Amla juice regularly. Besides, it also keeps the hair healthy. Amla has been used for hair for years. It brings shine and glow to the skin. There is no problem of wrinkles, pigmentation, aging at a young age.

Read this also: The stem of this flower growing in water is very nutritious, consuming it will give you these 4 tremendous benefits, if there is anemia then definitely eat it.

Tags: eat healthy, food, Health, Lifestyle

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