Drone didi scheme gives womens wings know success story of kavita

Drone didi scheme gives womens wings know success story of kavita

Digitization is being promoted by the government. The effect of which is seen increasing rapidly in the agricultural sector also. Now the help of drones is being taken in agricultural work. Due to which people are getting a lot of convenience. Drone Didi Scheme has also been started by the government. Under the scheme, women are promoting women empowerment by becoming drone pilots. We are going to tell you the story of one such Drone Didi, who faced many difficulties and set out on the journey of becoming a Drone Didi.

Today we will tell you the story of drone didi pilot Kavita, a resident of Rohtak, Haryana. Kavita took drone training through Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative IFFCO and sprayed nano fertilizers on crops. Due to which today they are getting good income. Besides, she has also emerged as an example for other women. Kavita is a post graduate, but she was unemployed. He came to know through some medium that IFFCO was providing training for drone pilots. After which he contacted IFFCO and took 15 days of drone pilot training.

Sprayed 90 acres in 15 days

After completion of the training, drone and e-rickshaw were provided to Kavita free of cost. Due to which she is spraying Nano Urea and Nano DAP. He has sprayed Nano Urea and Nano DAP in 90 acres in just 15 days. Which includes mustard, wheat and sugarcane crops. Through this they are earning a good amount of income. Kavita tells that she and her family have become stronger through this. For which she thanks IFFCO.

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