Drug Resistance Bacteria Found In Cloud Water Scientists Advised Not To Get Wet In The Rain

Drug Resistance Bacteria Found In Cloud Water Scientists Advised Not To Get Wet In The Rain

rain: By the way, raindrops bring peace with them. Sometimes they also bring disaster like flood with them. But, today we will tell you about the calamity that comes with the rain, knowing that you will be shocked. In some parts of the world, dark clouds are considered inauspicious. Dark clouds usually bring storms with them. But, this is not the reason to consider them inauspicious here. They are considered inauspicious because in a recent research it has been claimed that these clouds can carry such bacteria far away which are not affected by medicines.

These bacteria can spread worldwide

According to research published in the journal Science of the total environment, researchers have detected antibiotic-resistant genes in bacteria obtained from cloud samples. A team of researchers from France and Canada have considered these clouds to be inauspicious. Florent Rossi, the lead author of the research, told that usually this bacteria is found on the surface of leaves or soil. Florent said that these bacteria reach the atmosphere through the air and can go anywhere in the world through clouds.

bacteria found in the sample

Between September 2019 and October 2021, the Puy de Dome summit in central France, a dormant volcano. Above that, samples were taken from an atmospheric research station situated at an altitude of about 4 thousand feet above sea level. After examining them, the researchers came to know that there were 330 to more than 30,000 bacteria in every milliliter of cloud water. That is, on an average, about 8,000 bacteria are present in every milliliter of water.

bacteria develop themselves

Actually, when bacteria come in contact with antibiotics, they develop their resistance to them over generations. This is increasing drug resistance. According to health officials, this is a matter of concern worldwide. Due to this adoption some bacterial infections are becoming difficult to treat and even impossible in some cases. Because the use of antibiotics is increasing in treatment and agriculture. Because of which drug resistance is also increasing in them.

should be afraid of getting wet in the rain

Rossi explained that the environment is very stressful for bacteria and that most of the bacteria found were environmental bacteria. These can be harmful to humans, so he has said that people should not be afraid of getting wet in the rain.

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