drugs quality test know how is the quality of medicines checked and who detects irregularities in them

drugs quality test know how is the quality of medicines checked and who detects irregularities in them

including paracetamol 53 Medicines have failed the quality test, vitamins in it, Sugar and blood pressure medicines are also included, Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO) has released its list, The country’s largest drug regulatory body CDSCO Calcium and Vitamin D in the list3 Also includes supplements and anti-diabetes and high blood pressure medications, In such a situation, let us know how the quality of medicines is checked and who detects irregularities in it.,

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How is the quality of medicines checked?,

There are strict rules and procedures at many levels to check the quality of medicines., As medicines are manufactured under strict quality control standards, Raw material testing in this, Includes inspection of manufacturing process and checking of final product, After this the medicines made are sent to laboratories for proper testing where their purity is confirmed., Strength and safety are tested, Let us tell you that there are many regulatory agencies around the world which monitor the quality of medicines., In India, this responsibility is given by the Central Drugs Standard Control Organization. (CDSCO) is of, Apart from this, large-scale clinical trials are conducted before new medicines are brought to the market., In these tests, the safety of the medicine and how effective it is is checked.,

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medicines In disturbance How And Who catches Is,

Regulatory agencies regularly inspect drug manufacturing companies, If any complaint is received regarding any medicine then it is investigated., Apart from this, samples of medicines being sold in the market are taken and tested., Also, many companies have a whistleblower policy under which employees can report any irregularities occurring in the company.,

How many medicines failed in quality test?,

Point to be noted is that CDSCO by 53 Quality test of medicines was done, But 48 Only the list of medicines was released, Because 53 out of 5 Companies making medicines say that these are not their medicines, Rather, fake medicines are being sold in the market in their name., After this those medicines have been removed from the list,

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