If you get good and deep sleep at night, then you feel refreshed throughout the day. However, many times you do not get enough sleep even after sleeping all night. Do not feel like getting up in the morning and feels lazy throughout the day. The reason for this is not lack of sleep, but there may be a deficiency of vitamins in the body.
Yes, many times when there is a deficiency of some special vitamins in the body, then your sleep starts to be more or less. Because of this, you feel lazy and tired throughout the day. The whole body is affected by the imbalance of vitamins and minerals. There are many vitamins whose lack causes more sleep. Let us know which vitamin deficiency causes more sleep.
Which vitamin deficiency causes more sleep?
Vitamin D- When the vitamin D starts decreasing in the body, it causes sleep problems. Vitamin D deficiency can cause problems of fatigue, weakness and more sleep throughout the day. The lack of calcium-phosphorus in the body also increases when vitamin D is reduced. Due to this, there is pain in bones. Immunity starts to weaken and feel lazy throughout the day. Sleep all the time. Therefore, do not allow vitamin D deficiency in the body.
Vitamin B12- Vitamin B12 deficiency can also be a major reason for excessive sleep. When the vitamin B12 is reduced, the person starts feeling very sleepy. Lowering vitamin B12 increases the risk of neurological and mental problems. Research has found that you feel lazy due to deficiency of vitamin B12 in the body. You sleep all day long. Therefore, take a diet rich in vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is less especially in vegetarian people. Vitamin B-12 deficiency also increases with aging.
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Due to lack of sleep
Not only vitamin D and B12, but many other nutrients affect the sleep process. These include minerals like magnesium, potassium and iron. Due to their deficiency, there is laziness, fatigue and weakness in the body. Due to this, you sleep throughout the day. Even after sleeping, there is a feeling of drowsiness in the body. If you feel like this for a long time, then you must consult a doctor.
Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.
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