Earth can clean itself and pollution can end! Know how is this possible?

Earth can clean itself and pollution can end!  Know how is this possible?

Pollution is spreading rapidly on the earth, this pollution spread by humans is taking the lives of humans themselves. In such a situation, now the question arises whether it is in the control of humans to clean the whole earth again, whether humans will ever be able to free the earth from the pollution spread by themselves. Probably not! But if we say that whether humans do this or not, the earth can clean itself on its own, then what would you say? A new research has revealed that the Earth can clean itself.

What did the new research reveal?

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences In a new research report published in, it was revealed that the earth has a unique system of self-cleaning, about which till now science was ignorant. Under this system, water droplets produced in the air combine with the air around their surface to create a powerful electric field, due to which OH molecules are produced. Scientists believe that this OH molecule reacts with pollutants and works to remove them from the atmosphere.

This molecule also destroys toxic gases

According to scientists , These OH molecules also work to destroy the toxic gases present in the atmosphere. They first react to the pollutants floating in the air and break them down, as soon as the pollutants break down, toxic gases like sulfur dioxide and nitric oxide present inside them disappear from the atmosphere. Scientists are still doing research on this OH molecule and they believe that many more things related to it will be revealed. Let us tell you, this research by the researchers of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences was done on the basis of a research of Stanford University, in which it was told that hydrogen peroxide can be formed immediately on the surface of water droplets.

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