Earth’s twin sister found in space! Looks exactly like Earth, even scientists were shocked to see it

Space is full of mysteries. The American space agency NASA often reveals its mysteries, which are always surprising. They force us to be shocked. Till now we believed that there is probably no planet like Earth. But NASA has discovered an Earth-sized planet using a space telescope, which is about 40 light years away from Earth. This planet looks exactly like Earth, so scientists are also calling it Earth’s twin sister. They believe that there is such an environment here that perhaps some life can exist here.

The exoplanet discovered by NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) has been named Gliese 12b. It is revolving around a small and cold red dwarf star. According to scientists, its width is about 1.1 times the width of the Earth. That is, it is almost equal to the Earth and Venus. This planet is revolving around its star so closely that there are only 13 days in a year. It is about a quarter of the size of the Sun, so it is also much colder than the Sun.

This planet appears to be habitable
According to NASA, the kind of atmosphere here makes this planet seem habitable. There may be water here. Because it is neither too hot nor too cold. Having both in a prescribed quantity is very important for life. Even if it is too cold, no creature will survive and if the atmosphere is very hot, then also no one will survive. However, it is not yet known whether this planet has any atmosphere or not. Atmosphere is very important for living. Scientists believe that from what they have seen so far, it seems that this planet must have some atmosphere.

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