eat carom seed ajwain at night with warm water know benefits

eat carom seed ajwain at night with warm water know benefits

Celery will be easily available in the kitchen of every home. It is usually used to enhance the taste of food, but do you know that its consumption is very beneficial for the body? Celery has anti-inflammatory properties, which reduce bone pain and improve the digestive system. With this, food is digested well and problems of gas and acidity are reduced. Celery also has anti-bacterial properties which cure cold and cough quickly. Celery keeps the digestive system healthy and improves intestinal health.

will reduce weight

Celery is also considered helpful in weight loss, which can reduce bad breath. Knowing about it proves that it can help in reducing blood pressure and cholesterol levels and can also be helpful in fighting bacteria. Consuming celery along with exercise and proper diet can help in weight loss.

insomnia will go away

People face the problem of insomnia due to different eating habits, stress and anxiety can also be the cause of insomnia. For good sleep at night, you can eat celery powder mixed with water, which will give you good sleep throughout the night. If you have these problems, you should consult a health expert.

right time to consume

Although celery can be consumed anytime, but experts say that the best time to consume it is at night. Eating celery at night will give you relief from many stomach related problems. At the same time, one should avoid consuming celery in large quantities. Eating celery at night increases your appetite, helps you sleep better, and relieves joint pain. Drinking celery water before sleeping at night will provide relief from digestion related problems. Drinking celery water can also help you in losing weight.

Benefits of mixing jaggery

Roast celery well and make its powder, now add jaggery to it and then eat it after dinner. Doing this daily can provide many benefits to your health. You can eat celery in powder form. For this, after having dinner at night, mix half a teaspoon of celery powder in a glass of hot water and drink it. Consuming this type of food at night can have many health benefits.

Also read: Can we eat oranges when we have cold? Know what experts say

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