‘Eaten to my heart’s content, became paralyzed after seeing the bill’, this happened not just once but 127 times, even the police were stunned after seeing the record!

‘Eaten to my heart’s content, became paralyzed after seeing the bill’, this happened not just once but 127 times, even the police were stunned after seeing the record!

Everyone goes to hotel or restaurant to eat and drink. Here we order food as per our need and budget and sit and eat. However, the person about whom we are going to tell you today, he had a good account, but as soon as his turn came to pay the bill, he used to get paralyzed. This happened not just once or twice but a total of 127 times.

This middle-aged man had fooled even the restaurant owners. He used to sit comfortably and eat and drink, but when it came to giving money, he would have such a fit that the onlookers would get nervous. In such a situation, no one would talk about the bill, rather everyone would get busy in taking him to the hospital or his home. This story is really amazing.

Took a bite, got paralyzed as soon as the bill came
The man recently ate at a restaurant in the Dutch city of Delft. Restaurant bartender Mike Hogeveen said that this 58-year-old man was ordering food and also sharing it with the people around him. After the meal was over, as soon as it was time to pay the bill, his left hand started trembling strangely and he started falling, as if it was paralyzing him. When paramedics arrived there they examined the man. They said that he was not paralyzed and refused to take him in the ambulance.

Such an open pole…
However, the restaurant owner felt that perhaps the man was telling the truth. When she asked him for his address, the address the man gave was different from the address given to the paramedics. In such a situation everyone became suspicious. When the police were called, it was found that the man was a notorious food thief. He has already done this 127 times, and a complaint was lodged with the police.

read this also- After cooking, mother directly turns it on the table, neither plate nor plate, the family eats directly with spoon and fork!

Such incident happened in Delhi also
Recently, a girl from Andhra Pradesh committed a similar fraud in Delhi. She was staying in a hotel, where her bill was Rs 6 lakh. The girl used a fake ID card and used all the facilities of the hotel during her 15-day stay. He fooled the hotel in the name of UPI and later found out that he had only Rs 41 in his account. The police again arrested the girl.

Tags: Awesome Awesome, Viral news, Weird news

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