Effect Of Sleeping With Covered Face Know Why We Should Not Do This

Effect Of Sleeping With Covered Face Know Why We Should Not Do This

Sleeping With Covered Face: There is severe winter in the whole of North India, in such a situation, people are doing all kinds of tricks to save themselves from the cold. While wearing warm clothes during the day, they sleep wrapped in quilts and blankets at night. In such a situation, some people even sleep with their mouth covered to avoid the wrath of cold winds. It feels good to sleep like this, it gives warmth. But do you know that this habit of yours can put you at risk. Sleeping with your face covered in winter season can not only cause many health problems, but it can also harm your health. Can also stain beauty. Today, in this article, we will tell you what problems you may have to face by sleeping with your face covered in winter.

headache problem Sleeping with the mouth covered does not provide enough oxygen to the brain, due to which headache, nausea and other problems occur. This problem gets cured in 1 to 2 days, but it is not good for health if it happens again and again.

effect on lungsExperts say that sleeping by covering the body from feet to head has the worst effect on the lungs. If someone is like this for 6 to 8 hours daily for a month, then his lungs start shrinking. That is, the work of gas exchange is not completed.

sleep disturbanceSleeping with mouth covered causes lack of oxygen due to which suffocation starts, due to which sleep is also disturbed. And in such a situation, you do not feel fresh after waking up the next day. There is a problem in concentration. I have no interest in my work.

skin darkeningIn winter, when you sleep with your mouth covered, oxygen does not get inside the quilt, nor do bad winds go out of the quilt. Due to impure air, your skin tone starts to fade. Many people’s skin turns black in winter, this is the reason for it.

Pimples and acne problem- Sleeping with your face covered has a bad effect on blood circulation. Due to lack of proper circulation, there is a problem of pimples and acne on the face, which works to stain your beauty. Apart from this, by sleeping with the mouth covered, the skin is not able to breathe, due to the inability of the skin to breathe, the pores do not open properly, due to which wrinkles appear on the face.

read this also: Winter became trouble! Cases of heart attack, high blood pressure, brain stroke are on the rise in Delhi.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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