Egypt is ready to sell Alexandria city to Turkey After UAE due to Economic Crisis in Egypt

Economic Crisis in Egypt: Egypt is currently going through a serious economic crisis. In such a situation, he is busy selling his cities. After Egypt, United Arab Emirates (UAE) is now going to sell a city to Turkey. Egypt is forced to do this after an alarming decline in its foreign currency reserves.

According to a report, India’s friendly country Egypt is preparing to sell the city of Alexandria to Turkey. The Ras Al-Hikma area, located about 350 km north-west of the capital Cairo, is going to be sold to the United Arab Emirates for $22 billion. He is ready to sell Alexandria, known for its historical and cultural importance, to Turkey. After purchasing this city, Turkey’s search for a big port for shipping and supplies in Africa will end, because Turkey wants to build a big port in Africa.

Alexandria, the city founded by Alexander

It is said that the city of Alexandria was founded by Alexander the Great. Alexandria has been occupied by many civilizations, hence the identity of this city is historical and cultural. It is said that the Turks living in Alexandria during the Ottoman Empire had strong cultural and historical ties with the Ottoman Empire. In such a situation, Türkiye has an old relationship with Alexandria. Therefore Turkey can easily get the sale or lease of this city. Political analysts believe that if Turkey buys the city of Alexandria, Turkey’s relations with Egypt will improve further. Apart from this, both the countries will also get many types of economic benefits.

Both countries will benefit – experts

The city of Alexandria is situated on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Analysts believe that after leasing Alexandria, Turkey will create new commercial and logistics hubs here. In such a situation, both Turkey and Egypt will get strength in gaining hold in Africa. Egypt does not have enough money to develop the city of Alexandria, so trade resources will increase with Turkey’s cooperation.

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