Elderly Winter Care: Take special care of the elderly in this way in the winter season, the condition will be fine even in the cold

Elderly Winter Care: Take special care of the elderly in this way in the winter season, the condition will be fine even in the cold

It’s freezing cold right now. Although the winter season is cool to enjoy, but the worst effect of this season falls on our elders. In the winter season, the elders of the house become helpless just like the children because due to weak immunity, cold attacks them first. In such a situation, it becomes our duty to take special care of the elders of our house in this bone-chilling winter. Let us know five such important tips, with the help of which you can keep the elders of your house safe from the havoc of winter. 

Keep the Elderly Room Warm

In winter, try to keep the room of the elderly a little warm. Heat the room daily for some time with electronic equipment like heaters etc. Try to install such a heater which does not burn oxygen. Oil heaters are better for this. The windows and doors of their rooms should be closed so that the cold air does not bother them. 

get light exercise

The body of the elderly gets jammed in winter. They do all the work slowly, due to which neither heat comes in their body nor they get exercised properly. Due to this the body starts getting jammed and joint pain increases. That’s why it is necessary that a little exercise or exercise should be done daily in their room or hall. This will open their body. 

Oil massage is necessary 

The immune system of the elderly is weak, due to which cold first attacks their chest. In such a situation, chest tightness, cough and cold become worse for them. That’s why it is necessary to give steam of hot water to them daily so that their chest and nose remain open. This does not cause chest tightness and also reduces the risk of hypothermia attack. Similarly, do a light massage of hot oil on the body and especially on the joints of the elderly daily in a closed room. Due to this, the circulation of blood in their body is correct. If the circulation of blood is correct then there will be no blood clots in the body of the elderly. 

Diet Ho Aisi 

Special care should be taken of the diet of the elderly in winter. Include such things in their food so that their body can get heat from inside and there is no shortage of water in the body. They should be given hot vegetable soup, fresh fruit juice etc. Apart from this, include dry ginger, ginger, black pepper etc. in their food so that their body gets the necessary warmth. Whenever you give water to them, make them drink warm or lukewarm water only.

Take care of medicines 

If the elderly are suffering from any disease like heart disease, kidney, liver or asthma, then special care should be taken of their medicines in winter. Due to the formation of blood clots in winter, there is a high risk of heart attack, so medicines for heart patients should be given on time. 

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