Electric Shock: Why do you feel electric shock when you touch anything, what does science say?

Electric Shock: Why do you feel electric shock when you touch anything, what does science say?

Sometimes just touching a person feels like an electric shock. Not only humans, one feels like an electric shock when touched by some objects too. But do you know what is the reason behind this? Today we will tell you what is the reason behind this. 

What does science say?

Let us tell you that everything in the world is made up of atoms. Is. Which contains electrons, protons and neutrons. According to science, electrons and protons are also found in our body. The electron has a negative charge (-VE), while the proton has a positive charge (+VE). Most of the time, electrons and protons are equal in our body, but sometimes they become uncontrolled or unbalanced. In this situation, there is a lot of movement in the electrons present in the body or they start bouncing.

That is why current is felt?

According to science. When the number of electrons in an object or person increases, the negative charge on it also increases. In this case, these negative electrons attract the positive electrons present in a person or object. According to scientists, when negative electrons attract positive electrons towards themselves, when we touch any person or object, we feel like an electric current. It is also called static energy.

Which things cause high current when touched?

Whatever items fall in the category of poor insulating material, Such as woolen clothes, nylon, polyester, pet fur and human hair are also poor insulating materials, touching which can cause electric shock. Let us tell you that static energy does not pose much threat to health. This does not cause any major loss. In most cases, you only feel it for a few seconds. 

How to avoid static shock?

To avoid this, wear shoes with thick soles. Should not be worn. If you are at home, it is best to remain barefoot. Apart from this, nylon and polyester clothes should be avoided. Avoid carpet as much as possible, it is a major source of static electricity.


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