Elon Musk And Mark Zuckerberg May Fight In Worlds Largest Amphitheater Colosseum

Elon Musk And Mark Zuckerberg May Fight In Worlds Largest Amphitheater Colosseum

Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg Fight: Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk can have a cage fight in the world’s largest amphitheater. According to a report by Tmz Sports, Italian government officials have met Mark Zuckerberg for this fight and they themselves want to get this big match done. This match will be held in the world’s largest amphitheater, ie ground without roof. Twitter and Tesla owner Elon Musk has indicated about the fight in his recent tweet. He wrote that the fight could happen soon in the Colosseum.

Why is there fighting?

Actually, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is a player of Jiu-Jitsu. In the beginning of this month, there were reports that they are looking for an opponent. In response to this, Elon Musk tweeted that he is willing to participate in the cage fight. After this the CEO of Meta asked Musk to send the location. Since then, people are continuously discussing the fight of both on social media and everyone wants to see this fight.

Which of the two is stronger?

Twitter and Tesla owner Elon Musk is more than 6 feet tall while Mark Zuckerberg is 5 feet 8 inches tall. Means Musk has a clear edge in terms of length. Elon Musk not only has the advantage of height but his weight is also high. Musk recently tweeted about a move he calls “The Walrus”, where he simply lays down on top of his opponent without doing anything. Here, the CEO of Meta is also a sports lover and is a champion of martial arts. Sometime back Mark Zuckerberg participated in an actual competition where he tested his Jiu-Jitsu skills and won his first gold and silver medals at the Silicon Valley tournament.

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