ENO is the name of the company what is the name of the powder it contains

ENO is the name of the company what is the name of the powder it contains

Whenever someone at home has stomach ache or acidity problem, the first thing we look for is Eno. Because most people get immediate relief from these. But the question is that after all, Eno is the name of the company, but what is the powder inside Eno, which provides instant relief? Today we will tell you which powder is inside these.


Drinking Eno powder provides instant relief from stomach ache and gas. Which powder is this, drinking which gives instant relief? Let us tell you that this powder is a mixture of citric acid and sodium bicarbonate i.e. baking soda. This is the reason that as soon as this mixture (powder) comes in contact with water, citric acid and sodium bicarbonate meet each other and this produces sodium citrate and carbon dioxide gas.

At the same time, carbon dioxide does not like to live with sodium citrate in water. Therefore, it tries to come out quickly, while the mixture of water and sodium citrate tries to keep it in the vessel. This is the reason that after adding Eno powder to water, bubbles form rapidly and start bursting. Apart from this, the burping that occurs after drinking Eno is due to carbon dioxide gas.

Eno is useful for many purposes

Let us tell you that Eno is not just for the problem of gas. In fact, it is also useful for many other purposes. It is used in homes for everything from cooking to cleaning. For example, Eno is also used to make cakes and idlis at home. Because it helps in softening your food items.

Eno is also used for cleaning jewellery. For this you have to take hot water in a bowl and add one sachet of Eno in it. Now after putting jewelery in this water, it will have to be left in water for 15 minutes. Then the jewelery will have to be taken out of the Eno water and washed with clean water. After this the jewelery will look shining.

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