Euthanasia came into discussion after Peru case know what Indian law says

Euthanasia came into discussion after Peru case know what Indian law says

in Peru, South America 47 Ana Esterda of Sal has become the first person to get permission for euthanasia, actually ana 3 Has suffered from the muscle disease polymyositis for decades, Which is a disease that directly weakens the muscles and causes inflammation in them., Due to this, it becomes difficult for the patient to even walk.,

February 2021 Bana was given the blessing of euthanasia by a court of the country with the help of health officials and medical procedures., after which July 2022 The Supreme Court upheld this decision in, After this case, euthanasia is once again in the news., So let us know what is the law of euthanasia in India.,

after all Euthanasia Is What And How Gave caste Is,

Euthanasia means giving death to a person as per his wish., It is given in two ways, First active euthanasia also called active euthanasia, In this procedure, doctors give poisonous medicine or injection to a person so that he dies easily.,

Apart from this, its other type is called passive euthanasia., In this process, the treatment of the patient is stopped by the doctors and he is removed from the ventilator., Also his medicines are also stopped,

which cases In Gave caste Is Euthanasia,

Euthanasia is given in such cases when a person is suffering from an incurable disease in which he has to suffer to stay alive., Euthanasia can be appealed by such patient or his/her family members, for which written application is required,

What is India’s law on euthanasia?,

There is no special law for this in India, Year 2018 The Supreme Court had allowed euthanasia in a case in, Along with which a guideline was also issued, In which the court had said that the articles of the Indian Constitution 21 Under this, man has the right to die along with his genes., The court also said this, That man has the right to live as well as to die.,

In this case, the court also said that the government needs to make a law for such cases so that patients suffering from serious diseases can die peacefully of their own free will., Let us tell you that in India, euthanasia is considered an attempt to commit suicide., Under the law, if a person attempts suicide, he can be punished with imprisonment of up to one year or fine or both.,

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