Even the scorching heat could not dry this pond of Bundelkhand, know what is the secret

Even the scorching heat could not dry this pond of Bundelkhand, know what is the secret

Bundelkhand: Despite the drought in Bundelkhand region, there is a pond in Chhatarpur district that never dries up. Even in the conditions of low rainfall and drought, this pond is always full of water. It is known as Maa Dhandagiri Sarovar, and its mystery is a center of attraction for people.

Specialty of Maa Dhandagiri Sarovar
This pond is located on a hill about 3 km away from Barigarh. Barigarh’s social worker Abhishek Chaurasia told ‘Local 18’ that he has never seen this pond dry in his life, no matter how hot or dry it is. There have been drought-like conditions for the last four years, but despite this, this pond has never been empty.

Tried and failed to extract water
About 15 years ago, when a wish of a tehsil official was fulfilled, he tried to drain the pond with the help of the village to clean the temple. 7 motors of 5 horsepower were installed for this work, but the pond would fill up again as much water was drained out. This process continued for a month, but it proved impossible to empty the pond.

The Secret of the Pond
According to popular belief, this pond is connected to the netherworld, and due to the blessings of Maa Dhandagiri, this pond never dries up. It is believed that this pond is from the Chandela period, and its amazing feature is a matter of faith among the people.

People’s opinion
People who visit this pond also say that they have never seen it dry. For generations people have been hearing that this pond is blessed by Maa Dhandhagiri and this pond is always full of water, no matter what the weather is.

The mysterious history of this pond and its never-drying feature makes it one of the most amazing and faith-filled places in Bundelkhand.

Tags: Bundelkhand news, Chhatarpur News, Hindu Temple, Local18

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