Everyone is crazy about credentials, from the judge to the lawyer and from the police station to the policeman, everyone likes them especially.

Everyone is crazy about credentials, from the judge to the lawyer and from the police station to the policeman, everyone likes them especially.

Bharatpur : The taste of the Sakhas made in Bayana Tehsil complex of Bharatpur district makes everyone crazy. The specialty of these sakes is not only their unique taste. In fact, the traditional method of making them also gives them a different identity. Be it a judge, lawyer, police station or policeman, everyone is crazy about these credentials. Amidst the busy environment of the tehsil court complex, these credentials attract people’s attention. Their taste is so amazing that even people coming from outside cannot live without tasting them.

These sweets made by the local confectioners of the tehsil complex have become the hallmark of Bayana. People coming to the tehsil every day eat them with great enthusiasm. The popularity of these credentials is not limited to earnest money only. In fact, it is also famous in the surrounding areas. Their taste and way of serving makes them even more special.

This is how credentials are made
Virendra, who makes Sakh, told Local 18 that the method of making these Sakh is also different and interesting from other dishes. First of all the flour is beaten well. So that its quality and taste can be improved. After this, various types of spices like celery and fennel are added to it. After adding spices, the flour is kept covered for two to three hours. So that the flavor of the spices gets absorbed well. After this, with the help of a knife, the flour is cut into small pieces and molded into the shape of a coin.

Frying is done in pure mustard oil
Then these sakhas are fried in pure mustard oil on low flame, due to which both their taste and crispness become excellent. These sakhas are especially served with homemade spicy red chutney. This chutney increases their taste four times, which is quite tasty to eat. Everyone who eats them praises them. Everyone likes the unique taste of these sakhis. Their price remains around ₹ 200 per kg.

FIRST PUBLISHED: January 8, 2025, 11:35 IST

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