Evidence of brutality found in excavations in China, head hunting was done for a special ritual, there were many motives, not just one

Evidence of brutality found in excavations in China, head hunting was done for a special ritual, there were many motives, not just one

Archaeologists have found evidence of the deadliest massacre and head-hunting spree in Neolithic Asian history. This shocking revelation has been made after it came to light during archaeological excavations in China, which is 4,100 years old. The discovery of 41 skeletons has shocked the archaeological community and what makes this gruesome discovery even more disturbing is that all the remains are of women and children.

Four skulls of men were recovered from a pit just outside the house where the massacre took place, along with cultural artefacts such as pottery and bone tools. The study, published in the Journal of Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, sheds light on the horrific events that took place at this site.

Using advanced imaging and visual inspection techniques, researchers carefully examined the remains for signs of decapitation. His findings were nothing short of hair-raising. Thirty-two of the 41 beheadings occurred in a single horrific incident, indicating a massacre of unparalleled brutality.

It has been learned that in this incident, women and children were beheaded in a special manner. (Symbolic photo: Canva)

Devastating evidence of decapitation was found through cut marks on the cervical spine of five individuals, indicating that their heads had been brutally severed from the front of their necks. Additionally, the presence of cut marks on the neck spines suggests a systematic and deliberate practice of decapitation using tools made of bone with stone blades, reports Ancient Origins.

Also read: Things from the ancient era were found in the excavation, the study revealed the horrifying truth, that practice was prevalent even in those times.

The study’s senior author, Professor Qian Wang, of Texas A&M University School of Dentistry, explained the significance of these findings, telling Live Science, “Chiefs of enemy tribes were sought out for a specific ritual, meant to kill enemies. To win and or keep their spirit and energy.” “No such headless burials have been found during the Neolithic period in China, except for a few heads used for sacrificial rituals.”

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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