Excavation was going on under the hotel, then such a thing was seen inside, people were surprised, centuries old secret exposed

Excavation was going on under the hotel, then such a thing was seen inside, people were surprised, centuries old secret exposed

Many times such mysterious things are found while digging the ground, which surprise us. Something similar happened in France. When archaeologists were excavating in the courtyard of a famous hotel, they were stunned to see such a thing inside. This thing was being searched for centuries. You will also be surprised to know the whole matter.

According to the report of Live Science, archaeologists from the French National Institute of Preventive Archaeological Research (INRAP) were excavating the courtyard and cellars of the Lagorce Hotel in the city of Brittany. They came to know that this hotel was built in the 18th century on the ruins of a medieval castle. This palace is known as Château de l’Hermine. Located in the village of Vannes, this palace was built in 1381 for John IV, Duke of Brittany. This used to be his residence.

remains of a medieval castle
During the excavation, archaeologists were surprised when a luxurious palace was seen under the ground of the hotel. These were the remains of a medieval castle of the 14th century. Many types of artefacts were found beneath it, which included jewellery, utensils, pans and locks. This shows that this palace was in use for almost a century. From the 10th to the 16th century, Brittany was a medieval feudal state, founded after the Vikings were expelled from the region. When John IV came to power in 1365, he began building many house-castles throughout Brittany. In which Chateau de l’Hermine was also built then.

later it fell into disrepair
Archaeologists say that Francis II, grandson of John IV, used this palace for a century. He made his capital outside Vannes. Later it became dilapidated. It was renovated several times from the 18th to the 20th century. For some time there was a law school here and then a government office was also built here. And later this building was converted into a hotel. Archaeologists also found the remains of the ground floor of the duke’s residence as well as a tower overlooking an outer moat. The palace was approximately 138 feet long and 56 feet wide, with walls up to 18 feet thick. Inside, there were several staircases with carved moldings. The door frames were also quite decorative.

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