Explainer: The packets of chips that you eat are filled with nitrogen, why is this so, is there any harm from it?

Explainer: The packets of chips that you eat are filled with nitrogen, why is this so, is there any harm from it?


All potato chips packets are filled with nitrogen gas.Nitrogen gas is colourless, odorless and inert gas.By the way, if nitrogen is inhaled in large quantities, it can even lead to death.

When you buy a packet of chips and open it and eat it, have you ever thought about which gas is filled in this packet? By the way, this information is given on every packet. Now let us tell you that every packet of chips is filled with nitrogen. This has been happening forever since today. In such a situation, the question is natural as to why this is done. Is there any danger from this?

All the brands of chips around the world pack their chips ranging from potatoes to bananas with nitrogen in their packets. When you open them, you eat the crispy chips with pleasure. So you must know that nitrogen is gas. When does it become dangerous?

What kind of gas is nitrogen?
Nitrogen is a colourless, odorless gas. Its chemical symbol is N. At normal temperature and pressure it is in the state of gas. About 78% of the Earth’s atmosphere is nitrogen. It usually does not react. It was discovered by Scottish scientist Daniel Rutherford in 1773.

Why is nitrogen filled in all the chip packets around the world? (image generated by Leonardo AI)

What are its dangers… death may also occur
First of all, let us tell you what kind of gas nitrogen is and what effect it has on health.
– Nitrogen gas can pose a great risk to health, especially when inhaled in large enough quantities
Although nitrogen is an inert gas that makes up about 78% of the Earth’s atmosphere, it poses a risk of respiratory obstruction, which can lead to confusion and loss of consciousness, up to death.
– The lack of smell and color makes it difficult to detect dangerous levels of nitrogen gas without special equipment, increasing the risk.
– While nitrogen itself is not toxic, its oxides (like nitrogen dioxide) can cause significant respiratory problems. Excessive exposure to it can increase asthma and lead to chronic lung diseases.

So when these are dangerous then why are the chips in packets?
– Nitrogen is an inert gas, which means it does not react with the oil and fat in potato chips. Helps prevent their oxidation, keeping them crisp and fresh. It eliminates any kind of chemical reaction with the chips by removing the oxygen inside the packet.

Although nitrogen is dangerous if inhaled in large quantities, it is used in canned foods to maintain freshness.

– The presence of nitrogen helps in maintaining the freshness and crispness of the chips. If oxygen is filled in the packet, oxygen can increase the moisture, due to which the chips become soft. Nitrogen, being a dry gas, helps in keeping the environment inside the packet moisture-free.

How to save chips
Chips are fragile. Are susceptible to breakage. The cushioning effect of nitrogen helps prevent crushing and damage to the chips during shipping. This is especially important given the delicate nature of potato chips. Now it is also used in packets of chips containing banana and other ingredients.
Inflating the chip bags with nitrogen creates a cushioning effect that protects the chips during transportation and handling. This reduces the chance of breakage, ensuring that more chips remain intact and retain their crisp texture when opened.

When did nitrogen packaging begin?
The practice of using nitrogen in packaging began to become popular in the early 20th century, as manufacturers looked for ways to extend shelf life and improve product quality. In this, oxygen is replaced with nitrogen before sealing the packet. This again gives longer life to the packaging chips.

The work of filling nitrogen gas in chips packets started in the beginning of the 20th century.
(image generated by Leonardo AI)

Which brands use nitrogen
Different brands use different percentages of nitrogen; For example, Lay’s packets contain about 85% nitrogen, while other brands like Bingo and Uncle Chipps use about 75%.

Is it approved by FDA
Nitrogen gas is classified by the FDA as “generally recognized as safe” (GRAS). This means that it is safe for use in food packaging. Does not pose a health risk.

Can it give bacteria
The atmosphere created by nitrogen can promote the growth of certain bacteria, bacteria that thrive without oxygen. Although these are not harmful.

Which food items are packed with nitrogen gas?
– Chips, popcorn, nuts and other snack foods
– fresh meat
– Pre-packed lunch meat
– Bags of salad mix and lettucesnacSnack
– Pre-cut apple and carrot sticks
– Bacon, Smoked Sausage and Kielbasa
– wine bottles
– emergency food ration
– Jamun
– frozen foods

How is the use of nitrogen as a packaging gas increasing?
Nitrogen has gained so much popularity in the food packaging industry that it is now also used in the brewing or coffee industries. In brewing, it is used to make ‘nitro beer’. In the coffee industry it is used to make ‘nitro brew’ to give better taste to the final product.

What is food-grade nitrogen?
Food-grade nitrogen has a high level of purity i.e. 99% or more. There are no impurities in it.

how much nitrogen in the atmosphere
Overall, there is 78 percent nitrogen in the atmosphere and 21 percent oxygen, apart from this carbon dioxide, small amounts of neon, helium, methane, krypton, hydrogen, nitrous oxide, xenon, ozone, iodine, carbon monoxide, and ammonia are also present.

Tags: food, food business, Food Safety Act

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