Eye Issues After Pregnancy Learn About Them to Protect Your Vision

Eye Issues After Pregnancy Learn About Them to Protect Your Vision

Many changes occur in the body of women during pregnancy. Some of these changes continue even after delivery. Many times women have to face eye problems after pregnancy. Ignoring these problems can be dangerous for eyesight. Let us know about these eye problems that occur after pregnancy.

Dry Eyes
Hormonal changes after pregnancy can cause a lack of moisture in the eyes, which can make the eyes feel dry and irritated. This problem is called “dry eye syndrome”. It can be cured by using medicines that put artificial tears in the eyes.

Blurry Vision
Fluctuations in blood sugar levels during and after pregnancy can cause blurred vision. If this problem persists, it is important to consult a doctor as it may be a sign of serious conditions like diabetes or pre-eclampsia.

Increased Eye Pressure
Some women may have problems of increased pressure in the eyes after pregnancy, which increases the risk of glaucoma. This is a serious problem and can lead to loss of vision if not treated on time.

Changes in Vision
Sudden changes in vision are also common after pregnancy. This may be due to hormonal changes, increased blood volume, and fluid retention. If you notice any changes in vision, contact your doctor immediately.

Migraine and Headaches
Many women may suffer from migraines and headaches due to hormonal imbalance after pregnancy, which can also affect the eyes. Migraines can cause severe pain in the eyes and sensitivity to light.

Know what to do here

  • Get it checked: Get your eyes checked after pregnancy.
  • Give rest to your eyes: While using computer or mobile, give rest to your eyes at times.
  • Balanced diet: Include green vegetables, fruits and omega-3 fatty acids in your diet.
  • Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated.

Know important things
Do not take eye problems lightly after pregnancy. If you feel any kind of discomfort, contact an eye specialist immediately. By taking timely treatment and precautions, you can keep your eyesight safe.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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