Facebook Automatic Friend Requests Send When Users Visit Someone Profiles Now Meta Apologies For The Bug

Facebook Automatic Friend Requests Send When Users Visit Someone Profiles Now Meta Apologies For The Bug

Facebook Automatic Friend Requests: do you use facebook? If so, has it happened to you recently that you didn’t send a friend request to someone but she herself left? Seeing the friend request you sent, you were just thinking that brother, when did we do this? Well, if something like this has happened then congratulations you are not alone in this. Many people like you have the same complaint. Recently, social media was flooded with users who were complaining that Facebook is sending friend requests to unknown people on their behalf.

People were complaining on Twitter

Look brother, no one likes that someone secretly sends a friend request in their name to a person whom they do not know. Just when the users saw this happening, they did not like it either. Users fiercely complained to Meta. Not only this, users were also reporting the glitch on Twitter, in which people were sharing screenshots and videos. While others made fun of it. According to reports, the bug was reported mostly by users from Bangladesh, Philippines and Sri Lanka.

Meta marked this error as a bug

When I came to know that the complaint was going on, I came to know that it happened because of a bug. The company said that we are paying full attention to the issue. In a statement, Meta also apologized for the inconvenience the bug may have caused users and said that the bug has been fixed.

Scammers created fake ChatGPT page

Let us tell you that a research by CloudSEK has also revealed that fake ChatGPT pages on Facebook are being used to download malware to users’ phones. As per reports, scammers have hacked a Facebook page and tried to make it look like a verified ChatGPT page. Thieves have also posted the photo of ChatGPT, in such a situation, you need to be very careful of scams like this.

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