Famous Gajak Of Aligarh: Gajak made in Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh is liked not only in India but even in countries like Saudi, Dubai. In this sequence, sesame gajak, cashew gajak and brittle gajak are especially liked. Apart from India, this Gajak remains the first choice even in foreign countries.
Whenever a foreign guest comes to Aligarh, he does not forget to eat the Gajak here and take it with him. Gajak made in Aligarh is very tasty and crunchy to eat. Made from a mix of jaggery, sugar and sesame, this Gajak is also beneficial for health. People also like it the most among sweets. Its sweetness is such that even those who like mild sweets eat different varieties of these Gajak with gusto and the price is such that any class can enjoy it.
Aligarh’s Gajak is famous even abroad
In fact, Gajak business runs very fast during the initial winter period from November to January. Chinese Gajak and Jaggery Gajak are two types of Gajak that people like very much. Whereas among Jaggery Gajak, people like Jaggery Sesame Gajak the most, in which a variety is known as Jaggery Roll Gajak, which is in highest demand in the market.
tastes amazing
To make Gajak, it starts with jaggery syrup or sugar syrup. After the syrup is made, it is cooled and sesame seeds are added to it and then it is dissolved after beating. After this it is beaten with a thick wooden object. The more this Gajak is beaten, the more flavor it acquires. Then after this it is given different shapes with hands. Some’s shape is like a round roll and some’s is flat. But the taste of all types of Gajak prepared is excellent.
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how much is the price
The demand for this gajak is highest between November and January. This Gajak is sold the most in entire Aligarh and many surrounding districts. If we talk about its rate, it starts from Rs 220 per kg and goes up to Rs 800.
Gajak trader Shahid Khan says that many types of Gajak are prepared here. Most of the people are in demand for Roll Gajak, Cashew Gajak and Sesame Gajak. Its demand remains from November to January.
Tags: Aligarh news, food 18, Local18
FIRST PUBLISHED: January 1, 2025, 18:03 IST