Farmers Protest in Delhi Why Rakesh tikait and sanyukt kisan morcha away from this Kisan Andolan

Farmers Protest in Delhi Why Rakesh tikait and sanyukt kisan morcha away from this Kisan Andolan

Farmers Protest Latest News: The ‘Delhi Chalo’ march of farmers has started for the Minimum Support Price (MSP) and other demands. After talks with the central government failed on Monday, the farmers started marching towards Delhi on Tuesday (February 13) after the given deadline was crossed. More than 200 farmer unions are involved in this movement and it has been called by the United Kisan Morcha (Non-Political) and the Kisan Mazdoor Morcha.

This movement once again reminds of the old farmer movement, under which the farmers remained stuck on the borders of Delhi for a year. After this, the central government was forced to withdraw three agricultural laws, but a big difference between this movement and that movement is the people leading them. The movement in 2020 was led by the United Kisan Morcha and the Bharatiya Kisan Union. This time both these organizations are currently away from this movement.

Who is leading this movement?

1. United Kisan Morcha (non-political)

This time the farmers’ movement is mainly being led by the United Kisan Morcha (Non-Political). It was formed in November 2020 during the first farmers’ movement in Delhi. It had then separated itself from the movement. This group led by Jagjit Singh Dallewal had then said that it was non-political.

2. Kisan Mazdoor Morcha

Apart from Kisan Morcha (non-political), Kisan Mazdoor Morcha is also leading this movement. Sarwan Singh Pandher is the president of this morcha. This organization was not involved in the 2020 protests. On Tuesday, Pandher said, “This protest by farmers is not political. The protesters do not have the support of Congress. We hold Congress as guilty as BJP. Nor do we support leftists. We are not in favor of any political party.”

Where are Rakesh Tikait, BKU and United Kisan Morcha?

The question in the minds of many people is why Sanyukt Kisan Morcha (SKM), BKU and Rakesh Tikait have kept themselves away from the Delhi Chalo March. Actually, Tikait is certainly not seen with the agitating farmers, but indirectly he is seen with the farmers. SKM and other central trade unions have called for a nationwide strike and rural bandh on 16 February. Rakesh Tikait has also said that if these farmers are tortured then he is not far away. He will also become active and join this movement. BKU President and Rakesh Tikait’s brother Naresh Tikait said on Tuesday (February 13), “It is not right to always march to New Delhi with every demand. Different states have different demands, but will the farmers always be on protest, will they always march towards Delhi? The government should pay attention to this. This stubborn attitude is not doing any good for anyone.”

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Singhu, Tikri and Chilla… these are the borders from where farmers will march to the capital Delhi!

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