Feed homemade raw mango jelly to children, it will be ready in minutes, know the recipe

Feed homemade raw mango jelly to children, it will be ready in minutes, know the recipe


You can make raw mango jelly at home with very few ingredients.
Mango jelly is healthy for children to consume.

Mango Jelly Recipe: Mango season is going on. This is the favorite fruit of most of the children. Some children like to eat mangoes with great enthusiasm. Feed them anything made from mango, be it mango shake, juice or mango flavored ice cream, they will not refuse to eat. Many things of mangoes are available in the market, children buy and eat mango papad and mango jelly. However, you can make Mango Jelly for your kids at home too. It will be healthy as well as tasty. Many types of recipes are made from raw mangoes, one of which is Mango Jelly. Let’s know about the method of making mango jelly in two quick ways here.

Ingredients for making Mango Jelly
Raw mango – 4 to 5
Sugar – 2 to 3 tbsp
Food color – 1 tbsp
Coconut – half cup
oil – as needed
black salt – as per taste

Mango ice cream will make the body ‘cool’ in summer, everyone will like the taste, it is very easy to make

Mango Jelly Recipe
First of all, take raw mangoes, peel them and grate them. Clean them once with water and keep them separately in a bowl. Now add black salt and food color to it as per taste. You can take the color as per your choice. Children’s favorite color can also be used for this. Now mix it well and keep it in the sun for at least half an hour. Keep a pan on the gas. Pour some oil in it and heat it well. Add grated mango to it and cook while stirring well. After roasting for 5 to 10 minutes, add grated coconut to it. Stir for a minute and then add sugar to it. Keep stirring it continuously. When the sugar melts, turn off the gas. Put it in a bowl and leave it to set. When it becomes slightly lukewarm, keep it in the fridge. Tasty and sour-sweet Mango Jelly is ready. It can be given to children to eat cold anytime.

Read this also: Don’t try mango pickle in summer, try papad, the taste will not be forgotten, it will be prepared quickly in this easy way

Ingredients to make Mango Jelly
You can also make mango jelly with another method. For this you need 1 tbsp agar agar powder, 1 cup ripe mango juice, 1/4 cup sugar, 1/2 cup water, 1/2 tsp lemon juice. First of all, take out one cup of juice from ripe mango. Boil water by keeping the pan on the gas. Add agar agar powder, sugar to it and mix. When it boils, remove the pan from the gas. Now add mango juice to it and stir. Also add lemon juice. You can also add food color to it. Put it in a bowl or mold and keep it in the fridge to cool and set. Enjoy eating Mango Jelly after one hour.

Tags: food, Food Recipe, Lifestyle

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