Feeling someone else’s pain and confessing one’s own guilt ‘The Guilty’ – News18 Hindi

Feeling someone else’s pain and confessing one’s own guilt ‘The Guilty’ – News18 Hindi

The concept of family in America and Europe has been broken in the last few years. Now only live-in relationship, running away from one relationship to another, having illicit relations despite marriage, all these have destroyed the family. At least that’s what it seems after watching the movies. This thing is not completely true. Still have family. Parents and their children or old parents who live with their son or daughter. Everyone feels the pain of being separated from the family. After a divorce, the pain of separation from one’s children hurts the most. In a broken relationship, the concern for the safety of your children goes beyond this. This sorrow has become the basis of the film ‘The Guilty’ released on Netflix. Almost the entire film has been shot in a single room and the focus has been on only one person because the hero of the film sympathizes with someone else’s sorrow and remembers his own crimes. It is a wonderful film.

The remake of the 2018 Danish film ‘The Guilty’ was released on Netflix. The films of Japanese film director Akira Kurosawa have influenced many directors. One of them was music video director Antoine Fuqua. His very first film ‘The Replacement Killers’ was produced by the successful producer-director John Woo. Most of Fuka’s films are crime thrillers. The reason for making this film during the Corona era was the film’s hero Jack Gyllenhaal, who had bought the rights to the original film. Fuka had completed the shooting of the entire film in just 11 days and not only this, due to Corona, he directed the entire film sitting in a van with the help of monitors.

Charged with the murder of a 19-year-old boy, Los Angeles Police Department Officer Joe Beller (Jack Gyllenhaal) is given a job as a phone operator in the police department. The matter has gone to court and Jack is forced to live apart from his wife and daughter. One night a girl Emily gets a call that she has been kidnapped and the kidnapper is taking her in a van on the highway. Jack seeks the help of the Highway Police but without the number plate it is difficult to trace the vehicle. When Jack calls the girl’s house, her 6-year-old daughter tells him that her mother has gone with her father. With no way to reach Emily, Jack continues to get upset and thinks about hearing his case. When the police search Emily’s house at Jack’s behest, they find Emily’s daughter and Emily’s bloody son.

When Jack’s accomplices break into Emily’s husband’s house, they discover during a search that Emily is a mental patient and is undergoing treatment. Emily had killed her son because of not having the money to buy medicine and for this reason her husband is taking her to the hospital. After some time, Emily calls Jack again and tells him that she is going to commit suicide. Jack this time finds out the location of her phone and sends the police to rescue her. Jack keeps talking to Emily so that Emily does not commit suicide. While listening to Emily’s story, Jack tells her about his case and also admits that he killed a 19-year-old boy because he got angry and he is a policeman so he can do anything. By doing this he finished the boy. The Highway Police arrive and arrest Emily. On the other hand, Emily’s son is taken to the hospital by the police and he survives. This whole episode has a deep impact on Jack and he gets ready to confess his crime.

The story of the original Danish film was written by Gustav Möller and Emily Nygaard Albertsen. Gustav had seen a YouTube video in which an abducted girl phoned the police while sitting next to her kidnapper. Only sound is heard in this video. Knowing that what someone can tell on the basis of voice alone, Gustav made up a story in his mind. The world’s most famous podcast “Serial” also inspired Gustave to create the story of solving a murder case through voice. In the English remake, the screenplay of the film has been written by Nicolas Pizzolatto, whose impeccable writing has also produced the famous web series ‘True Detective’.

The film is of only 90 minutes. It is in the same room (call center of police). A total of 3 people appear on the screen. All the rest are sounds heard on the phone. The camera follows Jack Gyllenhaal for 99% of the film. Director Fuka has to be commended that he has succeeded in creating character through voices in the film. The audience and Jack are the same, everything is revealed only through phone calls, so Jack never becomes a superhero. He is also frustrated, angry, worried and upset. One of the best movies of Jack Gyllenhaal’s life is “The Guilty”. There is a kind of sadness on his face. The entire film has managed to bring the conflict going on in his mind to the face. His mind is tired of carrying the burden of killing a 19 year old boy and he is completely alone. The camera is in the hands of Maaz Makhani and with the help of close ups he has made each and every frame beautiful. Despite being shot in a single room, the film does not feel cumbersome. Credit must be given to the film’s editor Jason Ballantyne for his ability to engage the audience with Maz’s camera. Not a single scene is redundant.

What was knocking was that in order to show affection to Emily, to talk her into suicide on the phone, Joe Beller tells her the story of how he killed a 19-year-old boy because he There were policemen and they felt that they could encounter anyone. In this tension-filled film, how can a man suffering from self-doubt, so easily reveal his heart to a kidnapped girl? The film has been made wonderful. Just like strong tea that will make you sleepy. Do watch it. After this one would feel like watching its Danish original film, it is possible.

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Tags: movie review, netflix

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