Fengshui Tips Brink Lucky Cat Or Japani Manki Nico Cat For Money And Prosperity

Fengshui Tips Brink Lucky Cat Or Japani Manki Nico Cat For Money And Prosperity

Feng Shui Lucky Cat: Many such things have been told in Feng Shui scriptures that bring happiness, peace and prosperity in life. Keeping Feng Shui items in the house communicates positivity as well as brings good luck in a person’s life. Many such things have been told in Feng Shui which eliminate the negativity present in the house. One of these is Feng Shui Cat.

In India, cats are considered inauspicious, but in Feng Shui, cats are considered a symbol of prosperity. This lucky cat of Japan is also called ‘Manaki Niko’ or money cat. This cat is also worshiped in China and Japan. Know the story behind this Japanese cat and what are the benefits of keeping it at home.

interesting story of japanese cat

According to Japanese belief, once the god of wealth was on a city tour, suddenly it started raining heavily. To avoid the rain, he took the support of a tree and stood under it. Then his eyes fell on the cat sitting in the corner, who was calling him by waving his hand.

On the call of the cat, the god of wealth went to him. After this, the tree broke and got destroyed due to lightning. It is said that due to the call of the cat, the life of the god of wealth was saved. The gods were very pleased with this and blessed the poor priest of the temple who kept the cat to become rich. By his grace the poverty of the priest was removed.

After some time that cat died. The priest buried the cat and made a statue of a waving cat named Manki Niko as his symbol. Since then, it is considered auspicious to keep the statue of a cat shaking hands in the house and business establishment for economic progress. To avoid crisis and for economic prosperity, people keep an idol of a cat waving their hands in their homes.

Benefits of Feng Shui Cat

Feng Shui cat is considered very lucky. According to Feng Shui, keeping a Feng Shui cat at home or workplace averts the coming crisis. This lucky cat has one hand standing which keeps on moving continuously. It is also called money cat.

Feng Shui cats are of different colors which have different effects on life. People who are struggling with any kind of financial problem should keep a golden colored Feng Shui cat in their home or shop. By doing this, the economic condition of the house becomes strong and positive energy comes in the house.

Keep Feng Shui Cat in this direction

To get good luck, you should keep a green Feng Shui cat. It should be kept in the north east direction of the house. Keeping the Feng Shui cat in this direction proves to be beneficial. If you want to make your love life successful, then bring a red colored cat home.

It is auspicious to keep this cat in the south-west direction of the house. Keeping a blue colored cat is auspicious for prosperity and money to stay in the house. This cat should be kept in the south-east direction of Lord Kuber.

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Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on assumptions and information only. It is important to mention here that ABPLive.com does not confirm any kind of recognition, information. Before implementing any information or belief, consult the relevant expert.

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