Finally the secret of longevity is revealed, 112 year old woman revealed her daily diet

Finally the secret of longevity is revealed, 112 year old woman revealed her daily diet

You must have noticed one thing that people who exercise daily, follow a good diet and maintain a good lifestyle, look much smarter and younger than other people. 8 hours of sleep is very important for every person.

Stress and bad lifestyle makes a person old before time

Apart from this, people who take too much stress or tension grow old faster than others. On the other hand, people who eat too much sweets and processed food and meat start to look older before time. According to a research, people who keep their food habits and lifestyle under control look 10 years younger than their original age. 

What did the woman say while telling the New York Times?

For your information, Signore is the second oldest woman living in the Big Apple. According to her profile in the New York Post, she was born on July 31, 1912 in Harlem, New York to Italian immigrants. She has lived through World War II, in which her brother was involved, the Great Depression, the events of 9/11 and a global pandemic – and has outlived her five younger siblings. And yet she continues to live an active lifestyle even at the ripe age of 112. She says, “It’s my body. Nobody tells me what to do. I do what I like best. It works.”"text-align: justify;">This is how she kept herself fit

As a child, Signore enjoyed ballroom dancing, swimming, bocce, and biking. Although her favorite physical exercises, such as line dancing, have receded in recent years, Signore still makes it a priority to take a daily walk, even if it’s just a brisk stroll around the hallways of her apartment building.

He used to eat lots of salad at night

However, her joining the supercentenarian club (an elite group that lives to age 110 or older) is entirely down to her diet. “It starts when you’re young,” Signore said, praising her Italian-American heritage. “We ate salad, fruits and vegetables every night, and we always had wine on the table,” she said. Signore and her siblings only had to eat a healthy diet. "Cake and Soda on Sunday" Eating was allowed.

Signore used to have breakfast like this

Signore says that she used to have a very light breakfast. She liked to eat eggs and toast for breakfast. She used to eat food made with tomato sauce, garlic and olive oil for lunch and dinner. I never ate too much. I used to eat eggs. I used to eat bread with jam and tea. I did not drink coffee. However, Italian food is very good for health. Talking to the New York Times in 2019, the woman said that Italian food is very good for health.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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