A fire broke out in the room of a medical student on the second floor of Chanakya Hostel of Bihar’s largest PMCH hospital on Wednesday. The room where the fire broke out belonged to medical student Ajay Singh. Three fire brigade vehicles reached the spot after receiving information about the incident and brought the fire under control. But, the police and fire fighter team were surprised to see the scene that followed. The team found burnt 500 and 100 notes worth Rs 10-12 lakh in the room of medical student Ajay. Many admit cards of NEET-PG and burnt OMR sheets of MBBS of Aryabhatta University have also been found. Apart from this, a half empty liquor bottle has also been found. Due to which something big going on there has been revealed.
Who is medical student Ajay?
Ajay Kumar Singh, a medical student living in Chanakya Hostel of PMCH Hospital, is a resident of Samastipur district of the state. He has passed PG in 2022. Ajay is considered to have a lot of influence in the hostel. He also occupies room number 625 on the sixth floor of the hostel, an unnumbered room on the second floor and a room allotted in the name of another doctor on the ground floor. When we talked to caretaker Anil Kumar about Ajay occupying three rooms of the hostel, he told that notices had been pasted several times to vacate the room. Ajay was asked several times to vacate the rooms, but he did not vacate even a single room.
Allegation of making a scholar appear for medical examination by taking huge amount of money
According to sources, Ajay used to recruit scholars for admission in medical colleges. He used to collect huge amount from the candidates and their families by making them appear as scholars in other examinations including MBBS and NEET-UG. He also used to make the students pass the MBBS internal exam by appointing a passed out MBBS doctor.
Police took the student to TOP
When Ajay reached the hostel on Wednesday after getting information about the fire, he got angry after seeing the condition of the room. He also got into an altercation and fight with the junior doctors living there. Meanwhile, Additional SHO of Pirbahor police station Arun Kumar and PSI Rohit Paswan reached the spot and took away Ajay Kumar Singh with the TOP. Ajay Kumar Singh was released from TOP after allegedly taking a huge amount of money.
What does the rule say?
According to the rules, the administration is informed before any PMCH doctor is taken into custody. The police also have to keep the doctor’s Aadhar card, admit card or ID card with them. But, Pirbahor police station did not do this in this case. Accused Ajay was released without PR bond.
‘Leave it to him, I’ll see to it’
Sources say that a call was made to the PMCH superintendent on behalf of Pirbahore police station regarding the matter, but he did not pick up the call. After this the police station officer contacted the principal, during the conversation the principal said – ‘Leave him, I will look into him tomorrow.’ In such a situation, it is feared that many people may be complicit in this matter.