fitness tips hard workout cause of heart attack in youth know reasons

fitness tips hard workout cause of heart attack in youth know reasons

Exercise Causes Heart Attack : Is the passion of staying fit making you a heart patient? Are you creating depression in your mind by thinking about fitness? This question is because nowadays many youngsters are getting heart attacks in this affair. In the recent past, many such high profile cases have been seen in which people died due to heart attack while working out in the gym.

In such a situation, questions arise whether working out beyond capacity in the zeal of youth is an invitation to heart attack or other heart diseases, whether thinking about staying fit is a symptom of depression, when and for how long should one exercise. Know the answers to such questions…

What happens if you work out too much
According to a study published in the National Library of Medicine, high intensity exercise can increase the risk of sudden cardiac arrest and death in heart patients. It can also increase the risk of heart rhythm disorder. This research found that too much hard exercise can be very dangerous for the heart.

Why hard workouts are dangerous
When you exercise a lot, walk on the treadmill in the gym for a long time, then the heart rate and blood pressure are affected twice. Due to which the heart needs more oxygen. If this happens for a long time, then the circulation of the heart starts getting strained.

This increases the risk of blockage in veins, low blood pressure or heart attack. According to experts, thinking about staying fit all day and trying to be the best can affect the brain. Sometimes these can also be symptoms of depression.

how long should you exercise
Exercise is very important to maintain good health but it is important to know how long one should exercise. According to the CDC, physical activity can help maintain weight. It can reduce blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels. An adult should do 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise every week. In this, activities like brisk walking, cycling, weight training, yoga, stretching can be done. Children and teenagers can do 1 hour of physical activity daily.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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