fitness tips milk tea Side effects on health in hindi

Side Effects of Milk Tea : Our day starts with tea or coffee. Many people even consider it their favorite beverage. They drink tea or coffee several times a day. Some people take the help of tea or coffee to get rid of laziness after eating, while some people take its help to get rid of sleep at night.

It gives instant energy and a feeling of freshness but do you know that drinking milk tea can have many serious disadvantages. This is the reason why fitness freaks avoid it. In such a situation, if you are also fond of milk tea, then know here the disadvantages of it…

Six serious disadvantages of milk tea

1. Bloating: Drinking too much milk tea can cause bloating. Actually, caffeine is found in tea, which is not good for stomach health at all. This can cause acidity and bloating.

2. Dehydration: Tea contains not only caffeine but also theophylline. When it is consumed in excess, it causes dehydration. This can cause severe constipation. Many other problems can also arise.

3. Headache problem: Drinking too much milk tea causes dehydration, which can also cause headaches. It can also cause pain in the eyes, so health experts discourage drinking milk tea.

4. Stress can trigger: If you drink several cups of milk tea a day, then immediately give up this habit, because if you worry too much, then milk tea can trigger it. This can lead to many mental problems.

5. Sleep disappears: Milk tea contains a lot of caffeine, which can make you lose sleep. This can lead to insomnia. This can ruin your whole day and cause physical and mental problems.

6. Blood pressure may increase: If you drink too much milk tea, it can cause blood pressure to become uncontrolled. This can have a bad effect on heart health. If you are already suffering from BP problem, then milk tea should be avoided.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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