Flights For Lakshadweep You Can Not Search In Google This Is The Easiest Way To Reach Lakshadweep

Flights For Lakshadweep You Can Not Search In Google This Is The Easiest Way To Reach Lakshadweep

Lakshadweep Flights: Prime Minister Narendra Modi After some pictures, there is a race to go to Lakshadweep, many people are planning their next trip to Lakshadweep, however, when they are trying to get information about their trip on Google and book flights, they get zero results. Used to be. Every booking website is telling that no flight is currently available for Lakshadweep, in such a situation people are not able to understand how they will reach Lakshadweep. Today we are going to solve this problem of yours.

No direct flight option
You will not find any direct flight to Lakshadweep at present. At present, only one flight runs from Delhi to Agati Island of Lakshadweep, which has a special permit. All the tickets for this flight have been booked till March. Apart from Alliance Air, planes of any other airline do not land directly in Lakshadweep. Now the question is that if you want to go to Lakshadweep by flight, then how can you reach here…

You will get direct flight from here
If you want to reach Lakshadweep by flight, you can take a flight to Kochi from any part of India. On reaching here, you will have to go to the Lakshadweep administration office and take a permit from here, without this you cannot go to Lakshadweep. However, you can also apply online for this in advance. You will get a direct flight from Kochi to Lakshadweep, you will reach Lakshadweep in about one and a half hour.

Apart from flight, you can also travel to Lakshadweep by train or ship. Many people travel to Lakshadweep by ship, which can take up to 18 hours. However, without a permit you cannot reach here in any way. After reaching Lakshadweep, you will have to visit many islands here, which takes about 6 to 7 days.

read this also – Duplicate Passport: If you lose your passport, do this immediately, it will be made again within a few days.

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