House Buying Tips: Buying a house is a big deal for everyone. Many people save for many years to buy a house. Only then are they able to buy their own house. Many precautions need to be taken while buying a house. Otherwise you may get into trouble again. Some such things happen while buying a house. About which you should know in advance. Otherwise you may have to face financial loss also. Let us know what things should be kept in mind while buying a house.
Find out whether it is free hold or not
If you take freehold property. So you have full rights on that property at that place. You do not have to take permission from anyone to get any construction done there. Later, if you want, you can give the property on lease to him or start some other work on it. The freehold property is yours forever. And the bank also gives loan on such property quickly. Therefore, before buying a house, definitely find out whether the place is free hold or lease hold.
Find out if there is a legal dispute
This also has to be kept in mind while buying a house. That the house you are buying. There is no legal dispute going on over that. Otherwise you may face problems in future. Verify this thoroughly. Along with this, also check all the documents of the house. And also ensure that the house is built as per the rules of RERA. If this does not happen then you may have to face legal action.
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