follow these yoga asanas for improve and happiness in married life

Yogasan For Better Married Life: Yoga is considered better for healthy body and mind. Today, the lives of crores of people across the world have changed through yoga. From children to old people, everyone is getting benefit from yoga. In such a situation, yoga has been considered very beneficial for married life also. Experts say that yoga can prove effective in improving married life and sexual life. Yoga can be very beneficial especially in the sexual life of men. Today let us tell you about some such effective yogasanas.

Yogasanas that improve married life

Bhadrasana is considered effective in improving sexual ability. Bhadrasana is such an asana which also increases patience and focus, which has a good effect on sexual ability. Doing Bhadrasana affects the pelvic area and increases energy. This asana improves blood circulation in the body, which increases sexual ability.

Gesture horse yoga
Ashwini Mudra is said to be very beneficial especially for men. Doing this causes contraction of the testicles and strengthens the pelvic floor, which increases sexual power. This posture provides elasticity to the body and also increases blood circulation.

Sexual problems in any person’s life often make him lose his confidence. In such a situation, Padmasana can prove to be an effective asana to get rid of many types of sexual problems. By doing this asana the muscles become stronger. By doing this asana regularly, sexual potency also increases and blood circulation improves.

Gomukhasana posture not only increases blood circulation but also strengthens the muscles. By doing this, arthritis gets relief and organs like kidney and liver also become stronger. By doing this asana, the efficiency of the lungs increases and plenty of oxygen comes to the body, which has a positive effect on sexual ability.

Anulom Vilom Pranayam
If we look at it, everyone should do Anulom Vilom Pranayam because it is beneficial for the overall body. But this pranayama balances excitement and stress, which improves sexual ability. Practicing it regularly increases sexual ability. Along with this, with its help the intake of oxygen increases and the lungs also get strengthened.

This asana is known to remove impotence. Regular practice of this asana not only increases fertility but also removes many types of sexual problems. This also provides relief from thyroid disease.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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