Food Recipe: Do this thing made of urad dal, TRAI, is with delicious, nutritious, just ready in a while!

Food Recipe: Do this thing made of urad dal, TRAI, is with delicious, nutritious, just ready in a while!

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Urad Dal Bari Recipe: Urad dal made in Chhattisgarh is very special. The special thing is that after keeping it once, it can be used easily throughout the year. Know its recipe


Urad dal big


  • Urad dal’s big is famous in Chhattisgarh.
  • You can store the elder throughout the year.
  • It is very nutritious and delicious.

Rajnandgaon- If you want to eat something different, then today we tell you about the recipe of such a thing, which is ready in a short time, and its taste is excellent in Bakai. If you make it once, then you can store it throughout the year, not only that it is also nutritious. In fact, in Chhattisgarh, many ways are made in many ways, in which it is especially large of urad dal, in which it is prepared using many ingredients, which is very tasty to eat, especially in the cold month. Goes and is stored throughout the year. Let us know how it is ready.

This is Badi’s recipe
Let us tell you that traditional catering in Chhattisgarh has its own different significance. The urad dal here is very famous. To make this big, urad dal is first soaked in water overnight. After getting soaked in water overnight, in the morning, this lentil is cooked in a mixer grinder or on the silbatta, then it is prepared by whipping it well, thorough

Then in a wet cloth, or pot, it is prepared by giving the shape of big, and three to four days in the sun is dried well, after which it is prepared as big. After drying, it does not spoil the big four to five months, which is stored well, and it is eaten throughout the year. Let me tell you that in Chhattisgarh, along with Urad Dal, Jimmy Kanda, Rakhiya, Radish and the rest of the type are also prepared, which are very tasty to eat, which people like.

Most of the big is used in Chhattisgarhi
Let us tell you that most of the big is used in Chhattisgarhi catering. On many occasions, the vegetable of big is made and eaten. Not only this, it is also made by mixing with many types of vegetables. Its test is wonderful in Bakai.


This famous thing is made from urad dal, it is very tasty, know the recipe?

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