For this reason, the woman made an emergency landing of the flight on the pretext of fake labor pain, the workers were stunned as soon as they landed

For this reason, the woman made an emergency landing of the flight on the pretext of fake labor pain, the workers were stunned as soon as they landed

Many times during air travel, medical emergency comes to the fore, due to many other reasons, emergency landing has also come and it has to be done, but this time a woman tried to dodge people by making an excuse of medical emergency. In fact, the woman made an excuse of labor pain and forced the flight to land. What happened after that was shocking.

The woman made an emergency landing of the flight by creating a trap of fake labor pen. But what happened as soon as the flight landed surprised the airline staff. In fact, the whole story of labor pain was carefully planned. There was a big reason behind this.

Woman made emergency landing of flight on the pretext of fake labor pain
This strange case is of Spain’s Barcelona Airport. Where a pregnant woman was traveling in a flight going from Morocco to Turkey, people got scared when she suddenly talked about sharp labor pen. The matter was such that no risk could be taken, it was necessary to take this medical emergency seriously, so emergency landing of the flight was done. But as soon as the process of taking the woman out of the flight started, around 28 people aboard the flight started running wildly. Due to which the whole atmosphere became full of chaos. Out of 28 people who escaped from the flight, 14 passengers also managed to escape from the airport. Later it came to know that this whole matter of labor pen was part of a conspiracy.

Flight was stopped for illegal entry of migrants

There was a long conspiracy behind the labor pen
The woman had made an excuse of labor pain under complete planning so that the flight could be made an emergency landing. Actually its purpose was something else. Actually there is a migrant crisis going on between Morocco and Spain. That’s why the Moroccan immigrants had created this whole conspiracy for illegal entry in Spain. For example, the emergency landing of the flight took place in a hurry. While taking the woman off, 28 people started running away. Out of which 14 managed to escape. However, later those 14 were arrested. who entered Spain by mistake. The remaining 14 are still missing. Later, during the medical checkup, it was found that the woman did not have any labor pain. Connecting the links from here, reached this conspiracy.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, Flights, Good news, shocking news, Weird news

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