France Nersac Where woman left her 9 years old child in home alone for 2 years culprit mom punished

France Mother Left Child For 2 Years: A surprising case has come to light from Narsec city of France. Here a 39 year old mother left her 9 year old son to live alone in a flat for 2 years. The child used to steal food from the neighbours’ house. Taking cognizance of this matter, the local court sentenced the accused mother to 18 months in jail last week.

According to the information received, the accused woman lived with her lover in another flat 5 km away from the flat in which the child was confined. She also came to meet the child from time to time.

Child remained alone for 2 years

According to CNN, this woman has been identified as Alexandra. It is being told that the woman had left her child to live alone in the flat from the year 2020 to 2022. The child mostly depended on cakes, cold canned food and tomatoes stolen from the neighbour’s house.

On the other hand, the mother lived with her boyfriend in another apartment 5 kilometers away. The woman’s son lived alone in a flat, which did not even have electricity or hot water. Even in such circumstances, the child continued to go to school on his own, due to which even the teachers in the school did not suspect that he was living alone at home. .

The mayor became suspicious of his mother’s words.
Mayor of Narsek city, Barbara Couturier, said that the flat where the child lived alone did not even have hot water or a heater. Despite this the child went to school every day. And studied like a good student. The mayor told that in May 2022, the accused mother Alexandra had come to meet him. On which the woman told that she was short of money. On this, the mayor gave her 4 food vouchers as a help, but the woman took some canned food in return, due to which the mayor became suspicious of the woman.

The mayor interrogated the local people about the woman, after which the mayor came to know that the woman’s child was living alone in the flat. Upon further investigation by the Mayor, it was found that the accused mother was living 5 km away with her new lover. After which this matter was informed to the police. However, the child is safe after this incident.

Court sentenced to 6 months
According to local news channel People, the court has canceled the 12-month sentence of the accused mother. In such a situation, she has been sentenced to the remaining six months, which the woman will serve by staying at her home. On the other hand, the Mayor says that the child was under the care of an NGO since September 19, 2022. On this matter, the court rejected the argument of accused Alexandra that she lived in the flat with her son.

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