Fridge, AC, geyser or oven what consumes the most electricity in the house know the details

Fridge, AC, geyser or oven what consumes the most electricity in the house know the details

A common man usually has a fridge, TV and AC in his house. All these things are an essential part of everyday life. Without them life becomes very difficult. People also use geysers a lot in their homes during winter season. People use ovens to reheat food items. A huge electricity bill is also incurred for using these devices. There are some of these appliances which consume a lot of electricity. Let us tell you. Fridge, AC, geyser or oven, which appliance consumes the most electricity in the house?

AC consumes the most electricity

After winter, summer season is about to come. During the summer season, people run ACs in their homes day and night. There is neither peace nor sleep without it. AC throws the heat out of the room and cool air from outside into the room.

This process of AC consumes a lot of electricity. AC consumes the most electricity. The reason for this is that AC is also used a lot. Because such a compressor consumes more electricity than the refrigerator compressor. Therefore, even after running continuously, the refrigerator does not consume as much as the AC does.

Rest of the appliances consume normally

Apart from AC, other electrical appliances present in the house do not consume much electricity. Because they are used in a fixed quantity or rather in very small quantities. People do not run the oven for hours. Nor do people run the geyser for hours. But people run AC continuously for many hours during summer season. Therefore AC consumes the most electricity.

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