fridge using tips do this thing in summer season otherwise you may suffer loss

Fridge Safety Tips: In the summer season, people need cold things. Whether it is an AC to keep the room cool or a refrigerator used in the kitchen. Not only water is cooled inside the refrigerator, but the refrigerator also saves many of your things from getting spoiled in the summer season. For example, if you have bought a lot of vegetables, then you can store the vegetables in the refrigerator in the summer season.

If you have cooked a lot of food, then you can store the leftover food in the fridge. Because if you keep it outside in summer, it will get spoiled. But if you make some mistake while running the fridge in summer, then your fridge can blast. Let’s know what to do to avoid this.

Do not keep the fridge closed for a long time

It often happens that when people go out somewhere, they leave the fridge on. But if you do this in the summer season, then you may have to suffer losses. Because if the fridge is not opened for many days. Then the gas formed inside it will not go out. And in such a situation, if you come back and open the fridge immediately. Then the fridge can also blast. Therefore, when you come from outside. Then you should not open the fridge immediately. First you should turn off the fridge i.e. remove its connection from electricity and then after some time you should open the fridge, this eliminates the possibility of blast.

Do not operate at extremely low temperatures

Often, running the fridge continuously causes a lot of ice to accumulate in the freezer. In such a situation, it becomes difficult to open the freezer. Therefore, many people reduce the temperature of the fridge. So that the ice frozen in the freezer can melt and it can be opened easily again. But doing this can prove to be dangerous for your fridge. Because doing this puts more pressure on the compressor of your fridge and due to the excess pressure, your fridge can blast. Therefore, never run the fridge at very high temperatures in the summer season.

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