From CM to PM, everyone is crazy about this sweet! 14 Chief Ministers have tasted it, its glory continues for 100 years

From CM to PM, everyone is crazy about this sweet!  14 Chief Ministers have tasted it, its glory continues for 100 years

Ankit Rajput/Jaipur. Jaipur of Rajasthan is famous not only for sightseeing but also for its food. The sweets available here have a different taste. Their demand extends even to foreign countries. One such unique sweet, which was made 100 years ago from a small lane in the walled market of Jaipur, reached the residence of the Chief Minister and the Prime Minister. And the name of this unique sweet is Makkhan Bada. Which is wonderful to look at and eat.

Sambar Wala Sweets, located on Haldiyan Road in the walled market of Jaipur, was started by Ajitmal Agarwal 100 years ago. Where Makhan Bada sweets were prepared in such a way that even kings and chief ministers became admirers of this sweet. Even today, people flock to Sambar Wala Sweets for Makkhan Vada.

How to make this special butter sweet
Ramnath Kumawat has been working at this shop for years. He told that when he made this sweet for the first time, people found its taste amazing. After which Seth Ajitmal Aggarwal kept its price at Rs 15 per kilo. Gradually people started liking its taste. Ramnath Kumawat Kumawat says that the most special thing about this sweet is that it is made from desi ghee, flour and curd and then sweet syrup is given in it. Due to which the taste of the sweets is not too sweet but with mild sweetness, its taste is wonderful. That’s why people with diabetes enjoy it a lot.

He told that people like our sweets a lot. When this sweet gradually became famous, its demand started reaching the Jaipur royal family and the offices of the Chief Ministers. Ramnath Kumawat tells that it takes 2 to 3 hours to make this sweet. Apart from Makkhan Vade, Sambar Sweets also makes many famous sweets like Fini, Ghevar, Methi Laddus, Gond Laddus, Urad Dal Laddus, which are in demand even abroad.

14 Chief Ministers have tasted butter bade
Ramnath Kumawat says that from the beginning, the demand for Makhan Vada made in our shop started reaching even the famous personalities of the city and the big leaders of Delhi. Till now, all the 14 Chief Ministers of Rajasthan have tasted the Makkhan Bade here. Even big leaders in Delhi including Lal Krishna Advani have ordered Makhan Bada from here many times and our Makhan Bada is in great demand among big officials. During weddings and festival seasons the shop runs day and night because the demand is so high. Ramnath Kumawat explains. Today the price of our Makhan Bada is Rs 500 per kg. A huge crowd of people gather here to taste it.

Tags: food, food 18, Street Food

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