Garuda Purana Lord Vishnu Niti Do Not Wear Dead Person Clothes Even By Mistake Know Reason

Garuda Purana Lord Vishnu Niti Do Not Wear Dead Person Clothes Even By Mistake Know Reason

Garuda Purana Lord Vishnu Niti in Hindi: Whoever is born in this world also dies. That is why death has been called an unchangeable truth. In the Garuda Purana scripture, Lord Vishnu has discussed in detail about death and the conditions after death.

Lord Krishna has also told about death in Geeta. He has said, ‘After death only the body gets destroyed. But the soul never dies. That means the soul is immortal. When a member of the family dies, people keep their belongings very carefully as a memento. Some people even use the belongings of the deceased while others donate them.

This has also been discussed in Garuda Purana. It states that which items of the deceased should not be used and what will happen if they are used? In this sequence, Garuda Purana has mentioned about the clothes of the deceased. It is told that one should not wear the clothes of the deceased even by mistake.

Why should one not use the clothes of the deceased?

It is mentioned in Garuda Purana that after death, the clothes of the deceased should not be used. The reason for this is that a person has a special attachment with his clothes. Because even after death, the soul is not able to give up its attachment to the material world and it wants to live among its loved ones. Therefore, instead of using the things belonging to the deceased, they should be donated.

It is said in Garuda Purana that if the clothes of the deceased are used then the soul can be attracted towards that person. Or the person who wears these clothes starts experiencing a different kind of energy. Therefore, instead of keeping the clothes of the deceased, many people donate them. Along with clothes, the watch and jewelery of the deceased should also not be used.

read this also: Garuda Purana: What happens to the soul if death occurs untimely, you might not know these secrets of untimely death.

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