Garuda Purana Lord Vishnu Niti Start Your Day With These Work To Get Success In Life

Garuda Purana Lord Vishnu Niti Start Your Day With These Work To Get Success In Life

Garuda Purana Lord Vishnu Niti in Hindi: Garuda Purana has an important status in Hindu religion. It is considered one of the 18 Mahapuranas. Garuda Purana contains the essence of successful life. Therefore, everyone should read Garuda Purana and assimilate the things mentioned in it in their life.

But there is a belief among the general public about Garuda Purana that it is read at home only after the death of a family member. Garuda Purana is mainly divided into three parts (Acharkhand, Dharmakanda and Brahmakanda). You can recite the first part of Garuda Purana i.e. Acharkhand or Purvakhand at any time.

In the previous section of Garuda Purana, there are many worldly and supernatural things like the origin of creation, character of Dhruv, story of twelve Adityas, mantras of planets, method of worship, devotion, knowledge, renunciation, virtue, yagya, charity, penance, chanting, pilgrimage and good deeds. is described. Apart from this, subjects like grammar, rhyme, voice, astrology, Ayurveda, Ratnasara, Nitisara etc. are also included in this section. Therefore, every person should read it and assimilate the things mentioned in it in life. This keeps the person away from bad deeds and leads a happy life and later attains salvation.

In Garuda Purana, Lord Vishnu has told about such tasks, with which if you start your day, you will get only benefits and will be successful in every task. Let us know about these works.

Start the day with these 4 tasks

  • According to Garuda Purana, the first thing a person should do after bathing every day is worship the Lord. Starting the day with worship brings blessings from Gods and Goddesses as well as ancestors and leads to success in every task.
  • Before eating food in the morning, make sure to offer it to God. Only after this take food and water. This brings blessings of Mother Annapurna and there is no dearth of happiness and prosperity at home.
  • It has been said by Lord Vishnu in Garuda Purana that every person must introspect once a day. With this you will know the difference between right and wrong and new ideas will arise.
  • Every day you should help some needy person. According to your capacity, you can feed a hungry person, feed bread to a cow, give grain to birds or feed bread to a dog. If a person does any of these things every day, he gets a lot of virtue.

read this also: Garuda Purana: Never do this work in inauspicious times, otherwise your life will be ruined.

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