Garuda Purana Lord Vishnu Niti These Bad Things Causes Quarrels In Family And Married Life

Garuda Purana Lord Vishnu Niti These Bad Things Causes Quarrels In Family And Married Life

Garuda Purana Lord Vishnu Niti in Hindi: Garuda Purana Granth is in 18 Mahapuranas, which is related to Vaishnava sect. In this, the lesson of devotion has been taught through the voice of Lord Narayan and Garuda. Garuda Purana is such a book, in which life, death and the events after death have been discussed.

Along with this, many secrets of living a happy life have also been told. People who follow these things stay away from problems and enjoy a happy life. Some such habits have been discussed in Garuda Purana, which have been considered very wrong. Because these habits cause discord at home.

If there are frequent quarrels, arguments with your spouse and a tense atmosphere prevails in your family, then pay attention to these habits mentioned in Garuda Purana and rectify them today itself. Because these habits disturb the happiness and peace of the family.

These habits disturb the peace and happiness of the family.

  • Staying away from spouse: It has been told in Garuda Purana that husband or wife should not stay away from each other for a long time. This can have a bad effect on your married life. Along with this, many types of problems arise in the family and social prestige is reduced. Husband and wife should live together lovingly to live a safe and respectable life in society and family.
  • Accumulating junk at home: Some people also store such unnecessary things at their home, which have no use. Actually these people do this because it is included in their habit. Such people do not want to throw anything away. But these useless and unnecessary items of junk present at home only cause problems. Due to this, the mutual relations between the family members get spoiled and there is a rift in the relationships. Along with this, junk things also cause poverty at home. That’s why throw the useless and junk items out of the house today itself.
  • Leaving dirty dishes at night: The kitchen should never be kept dirty. Especially false and dirty utensils should not be left at night. This causes mutual discord between the members of the house. According to Garuda Purana, negative energy increases by leaving false utensils at night.
  • Polluted environment at home: If the environment of the house is not right then it will affect the people living there. That’s why keep the environment pure at home. Also keep the house clean and orderly. Negative energy will also stay away from this and the family members will live together.

read this also: Garuda Purana: According to Garuda Purana, do this work in the kitchen every day, Mother Lakshmi will reside

Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on assumptions and information only. It is important to mention here that Does not represent, validate or verify information of any kind. Before implementing any information or belief, consult the relevant expert.

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