Garuda Purana Lord Vishnu Niti These Habits Make Your Life Healthy And Long

Garuda Purana Lord Vishnu Niti These Habits Make Your Life Healthy And Long

Garuda Purana Lord Vishnu Niti in Hindi: Garuda Purana related to Vaishnav sect is an important scripture of Hindu religion, in which many rules and regulations related to living a happy life have been told by Lord Vishnu himself. Strict teachings related to life and knowledge have been given in the Acharkhand of Garuda Purana, following which a person’s life becomes better and the person enjoys a happy life. Therefore everyone should recite this Purana.

Every person wants to live a happy and healthy life. Because good health is your real companion. But knowingly or unknowingly we do such things, which have a serious impact on our health and many types of diseases start occurring. This reduces the lifespan of a person.

Therefore, if you want a healthy and long life, then abstain from these activities mentioned in Garuda Purana today itself. Let us know about these works in detail.

  • Waking up late: If you want a long life then never wake up late in the morning. Because the morning air is pure and contains more oxygen. Therefore, waking up in the morning provides relief from many diseases. If you leave bed too late after sunrise, it reduces your lifespan and reduces your immunity. In the scriptures, waking up in Brahma Muhurta is considered best.
  • Consuming curd at night: Never consume curd or things made from curd at night. This causes various types of diseases, which reduce your lifespan.
  • Stale Bamboo Food: Eating old, stale or dry meat is very harmful for health. Consuming such meat leads to serious diseases and reduces your lifespan.
  • Graveyard holes: It is also advised to stay away from the smoke emanating from the cremation fire. Because when the body of the deceased is burnt, its smoke contains many harmful elements, which prove to be dangerous.

read this also: Garuda Purana: Such women bring blessings to the house, know the qualities of a lucky wife.

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