Garuda Purana Lord Vishnu Niti These Indication Sign Of Death Is Near

Garuda Purana Lord Vishnu Niti These Indication Sign Of Death Is Near

Garuda Purana Lord Vishnu Niti in Hindi: It is very difficult to accept death and even more difficult to stop it. Because the one who is born on earth, his death is also certain. That’s why death has been called an unchanging truth in the scriptures.

Death cannot be avoided by us, you or anyone. But before death, some changes are seen in the body of a person, which is considered as a sign before death. In Garuda Purana, these signs found before death have been discussed in detail.

The Garuda Purana, an important scripture of Hinduism, throws light on the condition after death. It has been told that, when someone’s death is near or there are few days or months left for death, various changes start taking place in his physical and mental condition. Not only this, even the lines on the hands of a person change. Let us know about the changes that take place in the body before death.

These signs are found before death.

  • It has been told in Garuda Purana that, the person who is on the death bed i.e. near death, sees Yamraj’s Yamdoots around him. Not only this, such people also feel the presence of negative forces around them and hence these people always live in fear.
  • Shortly before death, a person remembers the good and bad and especially the bad deeds of the whole life. He starts remembering when and with whom he had done bad. Not only this, he also apologizes for his bad behavior and prays to God to forgive his bad deeds.
  • It has been told in Garuda Purana that, when a person’s death is near, he sees flames and mysterious doors around him.
  • According to Garuda Purana, when death is near, the lines on a person’s hand also start changing. For example, the lines on a person’s hand appear like black or blue spots. At the same time, the lines on the palm start getting lighter and some lines even get erased completely. These important changes on the palm have been considered as the first signs of death.

read this also: Garuda Purana: Why is Garuda Purana recited for the departed, know this important reason

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