Garuda Purana Lord Vishnu Niti These Karmas Of Sinful Deeds Should Stay Away From This

Garuda Purana Lord Vishnu Niti These Karmas Of Sinful Deeds Should Stay Away From This

Garuda Purana Lord Vishnu Niti in Hindi: Garuda Purana is considered an important scripture of Hindu religion. It is believed that reciting this scripture reveals the difference between good and bad deeds. Therefore it is considered an important text among the 18 Mahapuranas.

Generally, it is recited at home after the death of a family member. The belief behind this is that after someone’s death, by reciting Garuda Purana at home for 13 days, the soul attains salvation and also tells the family members about the good and bad deeds.

Garuda Purana inspires to do good deeds and advises to avoid bad deeds. Not only can your life be ruined by bad deeds, but bad deeds do not leave a person even after death and one has to suffer the punishment for it.

It has been told by Lord Vishnu in Garuda Purana that a soul with bad deeds does not attain salvation and has to roam around the world by taking birth in different births. The soul that performs virtuous deeds merges with God. Both body and soul are destroyed due to the consequences of sinful deeds. Therefore, there is a special prohibition in Garuda Purana to do certain things. Because these deeds have been kept in the category of sinful deeds. Let us know about these works.

  • To inflict mental or physical pain: Any act like causing physical or mental pain to any living being has been kept in the category of sin. Those who intentionally do such things which hurt someone’s sentiments become accomplices of sin.
  • Grabbing money: To earn money, a person should work hard and earn money honestly. Money that is wrongfully appropriated or stolen is also a sin. Therefore, avoid grabbing other’s property, stealing money or earning money through wrong means.
  • To be an atheist: Those who do not have faith in God or religious scriptures are also called sinners. This is because due to lack of faith, a person does not have the fear of God and he gets engrossed in wrong deeds. Therefore being an atheist also falls in the category of sin.
  • Backbiting: If you gossip or speak ill of someone behind his back, it is also a sin. Even if you do this work jokingly, why not? But gossiping or speaking ill of a person who is not present there is also a sin.

read this also: Garuda Purana: These bad deeds do not leave you even after death, you get the next birth in the form of a vulture.

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