gastrointestinal problems may increase the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease

gastrointestinal problems may increase the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease

According to a new research, if you have ulcers in the food pipe or stomach or constipation problem or say a problem related to digestion, then there is a 76 percent chance that you may suffer from Parkinson’s disease in the future. This research has been prepared on the basis of endoscopy reports of 9,350 patients. In which it is clearly stated that Parkinson’s disease spreads a lot in people who have a lot of gas, constipation, ulcers or esophagus, damaged layer of the upper part of the small esophagus. According to a report published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Network Open Researchers, neurodegenerative disease starts in the intestine due to aging. Gas problem is often seen in patients suffering from neurodegenerative disorders.

Symptoms start appearing two decades ago:

Researchers from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in America said that symptoms start appearing in Parkinson’s patients many years in advance. Symptoms like gas problems, tremors or stiffness in hands or legs start appearing two decades in advance. Due to which there may be difficulty in walking. Usually this is the basis for diagnosis.

Symptoms of gastrointestinal problems

Digestive problems, not clearing the stomach properly, drooling, difficulty swallowing, late emptying of the stomach. All these can be symptoms of Parkinson’s. He said that there is a special connection between the intestine and Parkinson’s disease. One of these can be problems in regulating dopamine. This is a brain chemical that plays a big role in digestion.

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In Parkinson’s disease, this happens inside the body or

In Parkinson’s disease, the neurons that send messages to the muscles of the body start weakening. After some time, it takes a very dangerous form. This disease affects the control, balance and activity of the muscles to a great extent. Due to which the power of thinking and understanding is completely lost. In common parlance, it can be said that it has a very bad effect on the brain.

In this disease, the amount of dopamine chemical starts decreasing in the body.
This disease often starts after the age of 60. Health experts believe that the most surprising thing is that men suffer from this disease more than women. This is a brain-related disease. In this disease, a chemical called dopamine starts decreasing in the body. Due to which activities in the body start slowing down. Along with this, tremors start occurring in the body. This disease can be more dangerous than dementia and depression.

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symptoms of parkinson’s disease

constant muscle tremors

Difficulty moving body parts

Lack of balance in the body

Difficulty blinking eyes


drooling from the mouth

Difficulty swallowing

slowing down of voice

What treatments are there

In severe cases, deep brain stimulation (vibrations are sent to a part of the brain) surgery can also be done. Medicines like dopamine, medicines that have dopamine-like effects, and medicines that prevent the breakdown of dopamine in the body can be given.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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